require("/var/www/vhosts/"); ?>
alegrarse | to be glad |
apurarse | to hurry up |
arreglarse | to get ready |
arrodillarse | to kneel down |
arruinarse | to be ruined |
asustarse | to get scared |
bañarse | to bathe |
calmarse | to calm down |
casarse | to marry / get married |
cepillarse | to brush (hair, teeth) |
cortarse | to cut (hair, nails) |
darse vuelta | to turn around |
decidirse | to make ones mind up |
dormirse | to fall asleep |
entristecerse | to become sad |
equivocarse | to be mistaken |
habituarse | to get used to |
lastimarse | to hurt oneself |
lavarse | to wash oneself |
levantarse | to get up |
meterse | to get into (enter something) |
negarse | to refuse |
peinarse | to comb (hair) |
perderse | to get lost |
pintarse | to put on makeup |
preguntarse | to wonder |
preocuparse | to preoccupy / to get worried |
probarse | to try on |
qemarse | to burn oneself |
quitarse | to take off / clothes |
recuperarse | to recuperate |
reponerse | to recover |
sentarse | to sit down |
sentirse | to feel (ill / emotion) |
tenderse | to stretch out |
zamparse | to gobble down |