require("/var/www/vhosts/"); ?>
aburrirse | to get bored |
acostarse | to go to bed |
afeitarse | to shave |
animarse | to cheer up |
arrepentirse | to regret |
caerse | to fall (down) / drop |
cansarse | to get tired |
colocarse | to get a job / put oneself |
comportarse | to behave oneself |
despedirse | to say goodbye to |
despertarse | to wake up |
divitirse | to have a good time |
ducharse | to take a shower |
emborracharse | to get drunk |
enamorarse | to fall in love |
enfermarse | to get sick |
enojarse | to get angry |
irse | to go away / leave |
jubilarse | to retire |
llamarse | to be called |
mancharse | to get dirty / stain |
maquillarse | to put on makeup |
mudarse | to move (house) / relocate |
nublarse | to become cloudy |
oponerse | to be opposed |
ponerse | to put on (clothes) / become |
quebrarse | to break (a bone) |
quedarse | to stay / remain |
reirse | to laugh |
resfriarse | to catch a cold |
romperse | to tear (clothes) / break (leg, arm etc) |
secarse | to dry oneself |
sorprenderse | to be surprised |
vestirse | to get dressed |
zambullirse | to dive |