Learning Spanish Product Reviews
Spanish Website Reviews
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  ce ce In Spain pronounced like 'thi' in the English word 'think' and in Latin America like 'see' in the English word 'seen'.
  ci ci In Spain pronounced like 'thi' in the English word 'think' and in Latin America like 'see' in the English word 'seen'.
  z z In Spain pronounced like 'th' in the English word 'think' and in Latin America like 's' in the English word 'say'.
  ll ll In many parts of Argentina pronounced like the 'sh' in the English word 'shop'.
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SPANISH PRONUNCIATION - Spain v Latin America (ce)
 cena (dinner)    
 centro (centre)  


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SPAIN - Pronounced like the letters             'the' in the English word             'theft'.             

Pronounced like 'se' in the English word 'send'.
 cena (dinner)    
 centro (centre)