acampar | to camp / go camping |
acercar | to approach |
agachar | to lower / bend down |
agarrar | to grab / seize |
asustar | to scare / frighten |
avanzar | to advance / go forward |
averiguar | to inquire / find out |
caminar | to walk |
cancelar | to cancel |
caracterizar | to characterize |
cenar | to eat dinner |
colgar | to hang |
combinar | to combine |
copiar | to copy |
dibujar | to draw |
dudar | to doubt |
enflacar | to get thin / lose weight |
escapar | to escape |
golpear | to hit / strike / bump |
guardar | to keep |
ignorar | to ignore |
impresionar | to impress / influence |
lastimar | to inquire / hurt |
llorar | to cry |
lograr | to achieve / obtain |
manchar | to stain / get dirty |
montar | to mount / ride |
nevar | to snow |
odiar | to hate |
ordenar | to arrange / put in order |
pesar | to weigh |
presionar | to press |
prestar | to lend / loan |
rasgar | to tear / rip / scratch |
recomendar | to recommend |
regresar | to return / go back |
saludar | to greet / say hello |
soƱar | to dream |
trabajar | to work / labour |
volar | to fly |